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ITAN & VOID working together, so sad

Aug 11, 2016 greenwall link
/me sits back
Aug 11, 2016 Space Pancakes link
Are the claims true AMAL has recently sought out their own alliance with TGFT? Could that be influencing your comments?
Aug 11, 2016 Trader Establishment link
you managed to miss ARFs post completely while writing all that text bojan. ARF is not suddenly crawling to your feet as you claim he is. the commander of Itan told you to stop hugging your enemy. you do it just because your numbers are low and you need some alts in your guild to cope with the dangers in grey space where you shouldn't be in the first place.

while we mention niki... has niki ever played Deneb or done anything else Itani-like? I only ever see him in Sedina/Odia/Latos. why is he claiming to be an itani nationalist??

some lolz:

[100] <ARF_01> Hey Niki, what'd you put in Bojan's weed thats got him shacking up with Serco and letting vagrants terrorize the Itani borders?
Aug 11, 2016 bojansplash link
@Trader Establishment


ITAN might be more willing to help them fight their holy war against TGFT.

This is by no means crawling, this is just some vague notion that they might perhaps be more willing to consider even thinking about maybe at some point in the next 10 years probably or possibly, after thorough brainstorming and meditating, even about declaring war on TGFT if by that time this war is not over.
If it's still ongoing then they probably, maybe, won't go as far as to actually declare war but maybe, somehow, they could wave their finger at TGFT and threaten them menacingly if TGFT wouldn't be too offended by their heinous act of threatening them.

I kinda read it like that, how did you read that sentence?

P.S. Never ever mention Niki in such context again. Your mothers milk was still dripping from your mouth when Niki and the rest of SKV were waging war on SOR & SCAR in Deneb. You don't even have the slightest idea who SKV are nor know anything about our history.
Aug 11, 2016 XeraX link
why should Itan - an itani nationalist guild - declare war on TGFT?
Aug 11, 2016 greenwall link
/me puts up legs and munches on a piece of popcorn
Aug 11, 2016 bojansplash link
Just when I thought you could not possibly be that much of an..... you opened your mouth yet again so I really have no choice but to post this for you XeraX:

Aug 11, 2016 greenwall link
XeraX has a great point. How is TGFT causing harm to the Itanis?
Aug 11, 2016 bojansplash link
Oh wally I know you are playing dumb and trolling so I will play "Yes, you win!" card before writing this word: alliance.
Aug 11, 2016 greenwall link
Thank you, I do win.

You are simply still annoyed that TGFT placed SKV on a KOS list because they kept attacking TGFT members unprovoked. Rather than not attack TGFT members unprovoked, you demanded that ITAN follow you into a war against TGFT because the very idea of "being on a KOS list" enrages you to the point your anus explodes into a million spicy little pieces.

Poor poor SKV can't handle being on a badboy list, and since ITAN won't follow you into a meaningless, petty war with neutral traders, you throw your hands up in the air and instead ally with serco nationalists and pirates, saying they display more honor than ITAN ever has! If only Harpo didn't force you into turning your backs on everything you supposedly stood for!

This is fucking great.
Aug 11, 2016 Space Pancakes link
Says the "pirate" CO allied with ITAN.
Aug 11, 2016 PauldenZangpo link
Ok. Points to Bojan for awesome village idiot meme. And points to Greenwall for 'anus that explodes into a million space pieces.' That shits funny, I don't care who you are. Almost as good as Adasterias 'show me on the doll where Ecka touched you.' Ain't VO great!
Aug 12, 2016 csgno1 link
It's quite sad that ITAN is revealed to be a pseudo-nationalist guild that prioritizes moneymaking over real allies, and would do anything to make even more money including associating itself with one of the most despicable characters in game.

JJ, you seem to just repeat what Bojan says without evidence. You're just trolling.
Aug 12, 2016 csgno1 link
Somehow after waiting for a year and half for ITAN to start acting like a true ally we gave up on you

For a significant chunk of this year and a half SKV was nowhere to be found. Would you insist that your allies fight your wars in your absence? The universe moves on without you.
Aug 12, 2016 csgno1 link
Serco (ONE & RED) had no access to conq stations for more then a few hours daily for a year and half.

False, how would you know what was going on in your absence? We had months when RED/ONE outnumbered us and SKV was nowhere to be found. Then you come back and start working with the Serco nationalists.
Aug 12, 2016 csgno1 link
Maybe you have too many TGFT alts in ITAN, maybe Harpo couldn't part with his TGFT buddies who provided him mullah, I don't know why and frankly I don't care.

Obviously you do care, to try to taint the discussion. Take a moment to find out before you speak. Otherwise you appear foolish.
Aug 12, 2016 csgno1 link
You sold us out and now you are coming back all righteous and pouty because we gave up on you as our ally after waiting for you to act like one for a year and half?
Somehow, in that time, we learned the hard way that some of Itan members cannot be trusted ever. Can you say we now have a good reason to start trusting them again? What's changed?

Sophistry. You don't need to work with us directly. We're calling out the fact that you spend your time working with Serco nationalists and pirates instead of protecting Itani borders and Itani citizens. You have abandoned your calling and are working with the enemies of the Itani nation. You're continued attempts to re-frame the argument to stress false equivalencies doesn't go unnoticed.
Aug 12, 2016 csgno1 link
while we mention niki... has niki ever played Deneb or done anything else Itani-like? I only ever see him in Sedina/Odia/Latos. why is he claiming to be an itani nationalist??

One does not have to go to the Deneb system to be an Itani Nationalist. He plays the part of the nationalist and is a highly respected Itani pilot. If you're looking for Itani to insult this is the wrong target.
Aug 12, 2016 csgno1 link
@Space Pancakes

FAMY has no Alliances, just warrantied travelers and nonwarrantied travelers. Stop knocking our customers for having more common sense, and a greater desire for peace than you do.

Are you implying that SKV is paying you for station rights? I don't believe they would. Please clarify.
Aug 12, 2016 HepFree link
@ Bojan, you appear to have inadvertently only posted half of ARF's statement so I fixed it for you:

"If SKV weren't actively protecting Serco and their access to the conquerable stations, ITAN might be more willing to help them fight their holy war against TGFT"

If you can comment on the first half of that statement, while also keeping in mind your guild page says this...

"Skygge Vakter was formed to combat the growing Serco threat towards the Itani people."

Well I'd love to hear the spin cycle on this.