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VOID works for TGFT confirmed

Feb 05, 2017 bojansplash link should be busy spending your millions to help your idol buy IKEA components for his life achievement project and not talking about stuff you know very little about.

P.S. SKV never used or is using any spy lua software. Your speculations are way off.
Feb 05, 2017 greenwall link
SKV-IRC begs to differ, lulz
Feb 05, 2017 bojansplash link
SKV-IRC is an IRC relay. We had IRC since the beginning of VO and nobody objected.
Your point?
Feb 05, 2017 Mi5 link

SKV-IRC functions in every way you demonize TGFT over.

So strange, yet so predictable, when your argument/talking point falls apart you have to attack someone based on income or political beliefs.

PS: Donald Trump already signed "the wall" into law, he delivered on one of the many promises he ran on. That's a lot more than can be said about any of the communist marxists you lot masturbate over while calling us facists and nazis while roleplaying as nazis and committing cornerstone facism as a in game policy.

Feb 05, 2017 Pizzasgood link
"Remind me again why everyone hates TGFT, the guild that helps newbies learn the game and has nothing but nice things to say to every new player regardless of their guild?"

My experience has been contrary to that. I don't use alts very often, but I do recall a disproportionate number of occasions when TGFT players insulted or bullied my alts, and I've seen them do it to other newbs as well. Perhaps TGFT is nice and helpful to newbies who join TGFT (dunno since I've never tried joining), but to people on the outside they appear to be rude and snobbish. And that's before you factor in the plugin issue. It's not as big of an issue as some people make it out to be, mind you, but it still was quite shady. Turning random unaffiliated newbies into your spies without their consent or knowledge is not the action of a helpful newbie-friendly organization. There there's their history of blatant cheating along with the lies, rationalizations, and generally childish behavior when caught.

Of course, plenty of other guilds also do shitty things, but we hate those guilds too. Those of us who aren't in those guilds, anyway; there are definitely some hypocrites out there. But I mean, have you not seen how much shit VOID, ONE, and SKV get? The universe doesn't actually revolve around TGFT. It revolves around the barycenter of all the shit in it. Basic astrophysics, yo.
Feb 05, 2017 bojansplash link
SKV-IRC provides a connection to #vendetta IRC and SKV IRC chatroom. Nothing more.
Old #vendetta IRC which was hosted by Firemage provided a bit more as does the iteration CS is running.

And lol, I was not criticizing your income or political beliefs. You are free to do whatever you want, I merely posted a suggestion on how you could make a good investment and make your political beliefs prosperous.
Feb 05, 2017 Mi5 link
You lie Bojan.
Feb 05, 2017 Ore link
"So all the reasons you hate TGFT are all true for ONE/SKV, I don't see your point."

Now blaqk you know this isn't true. I gave specific examples of why "everyone hates TGFT" because Thor conveniently forgot. I get that you feel the need to defend your weak little friends because they cannot but please try harder when forming your rebuttal.
Feb 05, 2017 Pizzasgood link
Wow, that's a lot of posts that happened while I was writing. I want to point out that the issue with TGFT's plugin was never the simple reporting of players, which plenty of guilds and even non-guilded people do (e.g. the VPR channel). The problem was that TGFT was tricking random non-TGFT newbies into using the plugin, without informing the newbies about what it did. That's an important difference. It's fine for to trick your own guildmates, and it's fine to let non-members opt into spying for you. Tricking non-members is not so fine. That was why people got upset about TGFT, but not about FAMY, SKV, VPR, etc.
Feb 05, 2017 Mi5 link
It's pretty simple, Ore. You can't say a single thing about TGFT that isn't also true about ONE+friends


ONE/SKV/RED/FAMY didn't seem to have a problem when Neon Black tried to trick a non-member with a dirty trojan plugin. They only get vocal when it benefits them.
Feb 05, 2017 Barktooth link
Boo fucking hoo.
Feb 05, 2017 myacumen link
That's pretty toxic calling someone liar when in fact you have zero evidence to the contrary.
Feb 05, 2017 Mi5 link
Crying about it while guilty of the same is even worse.
Feb 05, 2017 Pizzasgood link
"It's pretty simple, Ore. You can't say a single thing about TGFT that isn't also true about ONE+friends"

TGFT tricked unaffiliated newbies into spying for them, and ONE+"friends" did not. ONE+"friends" have spied, but not by tricking unaffiliated newbs into helping.
Feb 05, 2017 myacumen link
I'm glad you can finally accept your guilt Blaqk. That is the first step to change.
Feb 05, 2017 Ore link
Be the change Blaqk.
Feb 05, 2017 Inevitable link
When I first created sapphira I practiced alt separation to the extreme. At one point Lisa told me about her plugins that would auto jump me once I reached a wormhole. I used it for a good while until I finally looked at the code ad saw that it connected me to an outside server that in no way contributed to the plugins functionality. This allowed her to log my iP and all my characters without me knowing. That is pretty nerfarious.
Feb 05, 2017 bojansplash link
After the last post by Inevitable it seems only appropriate to repeat what I said before.

Timeo TGFT et dona ferentes.
Feb 05, 2017 greenwall link
TGFT tricked unaffiliated newbies into spying for them, and ONE+"friends" did not. ONE+"friends" have spied, but not by tricking unaffiliated newbs into helping.

Seems to me the fact that Lisa adjusted the plugin disclaimer according to the requests of the community is lost on all you butthurt whiners. I wonder why that is? Maybe you were just overzealously looking for confirmation of your bias? Yeah.
Feb 05, 2017 Pizzasgood link
Note the use of past-tense, Greenwall. I'm well aware that she added a disclaimer. That disclaimer means they are no longer tricking newbies, but it does not change the fact that they were tricking newbies up until they got caught.