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Long live the UIT!

Oct 06, 2004 Wubby link
TO: All nations

Let it be know that from this day forth that the former nation of the Neutral Territories has been reformed under a new and glorious banner.

To more closely describe the true nature of our great alliance and to recognize the contributions of many worlds into one great entity we are for now and forever:

The Union of Independant Territories! (UIT)

As the most populous of three major nations that inhabit this great space, we have always sought peace through neutrality and trademanship. As a great Union, made up of the many great peoples of the Arta Caelestis, Dau, Azek, Nyrius, and Verasi systems we will continue to seek peace and prosperity, independant and apart from the great and terrible conflicts of our neighbors.

Long live the Union!
Oct 06, 2004 Hoax link
Go, go Propellers!

When loved by TPG we should get one of those hats with a prop on top. Yeah, that'd rule!
Oct 06, 2004 ctishman link
Your pitiful union exists at the pleasure of the Serco Dominion. We allow you to remain because for the time being, you are useful to us and because you are too cowardly to go down fighting. When you serve no more use, we will end you swiftly and mercilessly, putting you down like a beast of burden too old to work.

Revel in your days and wave your tattered banner, weaklings. The end is coming.
Oct 06, 2004 quiveri link
No we haven't. We are still the Neutral Territories.

-Eloi D'Acrayel
Oct 06, 2004 Wubby link
The UIT stands resolute and can not be provoked by empty threats. We of the Union of Independant Territories are not impressed by the rhetoric of a few power hungry madmen, who rule an intimidated people by force and terror.

The UIT seeks peace and prosperity to all who wish to control their own destiny. The Serco Dominion can not frighten those of the just and informed.

Long live the Union and power to the Just!

(This message has been sponsored by the Axia Corporate Mining Consortium, Copyright 4432 A.C.E. All right reserved.)
Oct 06, 2004 Wubby link
quiveri: the newest update changed the name of the NT to UIT. I think the Devs are still trying to find all the places to change it, but the systems are relabeled, as well as the characters race.

Long live the Union!
Oct 06, 2004 quiveri link
Oh really? Meh, I thought this was some new guild. Sorry Wubby. This I gotta see.

-Eloi D'Acrayel
Oct 06, 2004 Hoax link
Serco better be nice (/me looks at ctishman) or we'll jack up the cost of Xithricite, then we'll see whose weenie hulled ship having end is comming...

No propeller hat for you!
Oct 06, 2004 ctishman link
Go ahead. Stand resolute and we shall make you bow before us. Be proud. We shall cut away your pride. Flaunt your perceived independence and we shall slay you with it. When our attack comes, not even the Itani will intervene on your behalf, because nobody likes a coward, and cowards you be, to the last man.
Oct 06, 2004 Drooling Iguana link
Sounds like SOMEBODY's compensating for something.

Just because you've had some success against the Itani, don't let it go to your head. Hell, a blind man with a pointy stick could conquer the Itani. It's not exactly a great accomplishment.
Oct 06, 2004 CrippledPidgeon link
The so-called Union of Independent Territories should be proud that the Serco consider them even fit for domination. Surrender now, and we might consider slaughtering only half of your population.
Oct 06, 2004 Drooling Iguana link
You weren't hugged enough as a kid, were you? Don't worry, you can tell me.
Oct 06, 2004 Wubby link
Of course the Itani will stand by and not intervene. They are smarter than you! They will watch you dash your puny armies against the might Wall of the Union, then plunder your empty homes as your widows cry!

Remember well that it was the Serco who approached US less than 100 years ago, begging for whatever scraps could be gathered to repair your shattered fleets!

It is WE who hold what little peace there is together. Even a moron such as yourself would not toss away the last of your food for petty revenge.

Just as you would never attack the great Union. It is YOU who need US. Remember that the next time you buy a crate of Gemini Homing Missles for your oh-so-mighty warship. Missiles incased in metals mined by the great Axia Mining Consortium(tm) and delivered by the great and brave people of:

The Union of Independant Territories!

Long live the Union!
Oct 06, 2004 Drooling Iguana link
Plus, our chicks are hotter than yours. So there!
Oct 06, 2004 ctishman link
When our invasions roll over your borders, what will you do?

Will the TPG board appoint a committee to appoint a committee to decide what will be done? Will you take a vote? What if the rest of your board considers it the better part of valor to be conquered? Where will your brave words be then?

Imagine if you will a monopoly on weapons material production. We would have no reason to go to the other nonaligned worlds.
Imagine Serco war-fleets putting an end to the Corvus threat once and for all, a task that you know the UIT could never accomplish on their own.
Imagine a galaxy united under our benevolent gaze, all factions working to serve the great cause.
Imagine the strength
Imagine the wisdom
Imagine the wealth.

Consider what you stand to lose before continuing this idealistic posturing.
Oct 06, 2004 Wubby link
I will not bother to discuss whether or not a Serco invasion could win against the vast numbers of UIT members. It would be an exersize in futility.

Even you Serco, with all you posturing and puffed chests are not so stupid. Even if the Itani were to stand by and allow you to ATTEMPT to over-take the free people of the UIT, they would do so with smiles on there faces.

For they would only have to wait for the Serco to starve while your great dominion falls apart from then inside out!

As for the Corvus "threat", they are a band of tradesman that merely annoy us when fight, but are great at robbing you Serco of the materials we just sold you, at great profit to ourselves, I might add!
Oct 06, 2004 LaMas link
All non-pirate UITs:
joining the Vipers
Oct 06, 2004 mr_spuck link
Hey Hey slow down Big Boys not everyone wants to join your stupid union. Combining the interests of all the current Neutral corporations can and will never work.
I predict in mere 5 years the Union will colapse and the shattered remains will be taken over by the pirates of the unchartered systems. I wish you a happy life as pirate slaves. :P

Spuck has been and will always be a citizen of the Neutral Territories. Come what will. The Union can kiss my rear end.
Oct 06, 2004 Wubby link
mr_spuck: The name change was part of the latest update, 1.0.8. Guild did it, not me. I was just running with it.

Good citizen mr_spuck, the name of Neutral Territories was changed to better reflect the nature of cooperation of the many worlds *cough (and corporations) cough* of our great nation.

We are are always "neutral territories", but now we are a union of those territories (and independant).
Oct 06, 2004 mr_spuck link
I was in my ship while the Unions propaganda machinery did its job. Literary within minutes every ship/station signature was changed and the maps were force updated over the biocom-subspace-net.

I aswell got a warning to let the network change my ships sig. or be declared enemy of the Union. WTF!!!. Naturally I refused...

Already seconds later I had every turret in the sector shoot at me and a wing of "Defense" Vultures on my tail. The vultures were easy to dispose of though. But with no place to go my only choices were to install the comm-system of one of the dead Vultures into my own ship or be destoyed at the next outpost. I don't like this dieing thing though. So ...

When I flew back to the nearest station I saw dozens of ship wrecks floating around it. Looks like the Union did a better there...

Now all I can do is fight the Union from within to safe the once glorious Neutral Territories. When I find the ones responsible for all this they will pay for every scratch on the ships of the brave man who died on this day!!!