Forums » Suggestions

Building your own ship

Dec 14, 2006 Cyberiusx link
After letting us make our own facilty, you can let us research new ships, which opens up new doors for new ships basically. And perhaps classes, or new skills. Researcher and builder.

Once you find a new blueprint you build the ship using resources around the galaxy.

This will improve the game vastly.

Before i leave this potential game, i have one more suggestion to make.
Dec 14, 2006 CrippledPidgeon link
so... EVE2?
Dec 14, 2006 Grendal link
Seems like a wonderful idea.

Heck! This can be one way to aquire Cap Ships... if those are ever made available....
Dec 15, 2006 mr bean link
the developers already have a plan for new ships player owned capships and stations. please check to make sure that when you post a suggestion that it hasnt been suggested already
Dec 19, 2006 Grendal link
mr bean,

you might want to read the "Read This..." thread a bit closer.

No mention of player CONSTRUCTED ships is listed. So this is a valid Suggestion.

It's one thing to go and buy a ship with money that is pretty much worthless. But it's another thing to pour blood, sweat and tears into making a ship. Seeing how ships are pretty generic as it is, going through the trouble of aquiring the materials and blueprint and having the ship commisioned will put a personal touch to what you own. It will make it that much more special.
Dec 20, 2006 Dark Knight link
Grendal, before you go a-lecturing, you might want to read a few threads yourself.

Like this one.

Or this one.

Or even this one.

Or... *collective gasp of horror* this one!

In Soviet Russia, this one ors you!

The search feature is here to help.

(Oh, and by the way, Grendal, don't get all up in his grill, yo. It *is* in the "Read This..." thread. Look under "crafting".)
Dec 20, 2006 toshiro link
The search feature works, too. So, you have no excuse from that direction.
Dec 20, 2006 Grendal link
I did look under Crafting. No mention of building ships. But then again it was rather a long post so my attention span wanes.

The other threads are just that other Threads. So this is well within his rights to post this. Why not go flame everyone else for duplicate threads that is not addressed in the Read Me?

I will get up on his grill whenever I feel like it. You seem to have no issue with doing the same.

Stow the attitude. This game seems to have nothing but folks with lame attitudes. I've been involved here since Alpha and believe me the idiots are running rampant more then the early days.
Dec 20, 2006 Dark Knight link
With all due respect, being involved since alpha really has nothing to do with this argument. Just because a man has a degree in studies of ancient cultures, he doesn't necessarily have any clue what's going on in the world today.

I meant no offense with my previous post, I merely wished to point out the threads that you may have missed, while using a bit of humor. Forgive me if you didn't get the joke.

May I suggest we forget this argument and continue with the actual, meaningful discussion? It's never fun to have a suggestion thread locked.
Dec 20, 2006 Whistler link
Ah the Holiday Season! The crisp clean winds from the North bring us low frustration tolerance and barely-suppressed tension.

Yes, let us please "stow the attitudes" (including accusations of lameness and idiocy. Lameness and idiocy are perfectly valid medical conditions and we can't have sufferers maligned! Tiny Tim was lame, and perhaps a bit of an idiot, and everyone loved him, right?)

I've been reading these posts since the forums began and if anyone has a right to frustration at the repeats, it's me. But I'm not frustrated.

As stated in the "READ FIRST" thread, we ask that people peruse the list and read anything they think might be pertinent to what they plan on suggesting. If they find an existing thread that is relevant then they should post to that thread (and we should avoid accusations of "thread necromancy"). If they feel that their suggestion is significantly different from what has been discussed, then a new thread is appropriate (and we should lighten up).

It would have been helpful the original poster had:
1) put all his related ideas in one thread, instead of 3 threads that had pretty much the same info.
2) shown some interest in the discussion of his own thread, rather than dumping and running.
3) shown some sign of awareness that similar themes had been discussed.