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Logoff in-warp! Argh!

Jan 28, 2004 Archon link
Ok... this mus be the nth time I've seen a trader logoff in-warp.
The ability to /logoff while loading must be removed.

Thanks in advance,
@rchon. ;)
Jan 28, 2004 roguelazer link
I don't think it should. I think that what we have now is fine. By logging off in warp, he does no damage to you, he just gets away. Too bad for you.
Jan 28, 2004 Sheean link
It's a nice way to run away yeah, maybe a bit for cowards; but hey, better than having your ship in ruins, no?
Jan 28, 2004 Pyro link
Archon, ever had to logoff in mid-warp because you had Arolte chasing your only ship? Yeah, losing a fully loaded Centaur and only having 1000 or so creds would suck.
Jan 28, 2004 SirCamps link
Logging off in warp is an exploit, I would venture to say (exploiting a part of the code to have unintended consequences).

I make a motion to remove all /logoff capabilities while invincible (notice that you can't /explode while invincible? Make it the same way).
Jan 28, 2004 Spellcast link
hmmm, I say leave it as is for now with the intent to remove it once there are station defenses in place. Right now making it to a wormhole and logging is the only area you can get to safely without having a fair amount of piloting skill. Hitting a station dock at 160m/s is very tough unless you are lined up exactly. much easier to hit a 1000m diameter wormhole jumppoint.

EDIT: corrected speed to hit station dock at should have been 160m/s
Jan 28, 2004 Magus link
My connection loads sectors too fast to log off in warp. :-(
Jan 28, 2004 Eldrad link
hehe, Phoenix did that to run from me. Magus the inv time between when you hit activate and when you are vulnerable again is long enough. Even if you load instantly. Archon you might want to change your request to include stopping the counter while people are invulnerable. Note that you can't stop someone from logging off, since any lose of connection is a log off, but if the devs paused the count down timer while people were loading or inv it would accomplish the same thing.
Jan 28, 2004 Magus link
Good plan Eldrad.
Jan 30, 2004 Phoenix_I link
Such a liar eldrad.

This really needs to be fixed, 3/4ths of the traders now log off in warp, making it impossible to pirate. And before you all start whining about how profitable pirating is, IT ISN'T. Try pirating for 1 month, with all the enemies you have, you're constantly hunted. If you don't believe me, look at my deaths. So, you get killed 300 times, and your source of income dries up because of an exploit. Bit unfair.
Jan 30, 2004 paedric link
I feel your pain Phoenix, I really do (NOT) :-p

Okay, so /logoff while warping is an exploit (so say some). Would you consider /logoff while running from a griefer/pie rat without warping to be an exploit also? Or would your ship be exposed to attack after you have already logged off?

BTW, thanks for the idea. Wish I had thought of that myself.

*Paedric smacks himself on the forehead and exclaims...* D'OH!!!
Jan 30, 2004 spectre_c_me link
i have over 200 deaths and i know for a fact that phoenix has more money than me. it may not be profitable but you find a way to make money. pirating is done by so many players that a single pirate cant pirate effectively. traders have already began to /logoff against small time traders then when someone like phoenix, archon, or icarus get on /logoff is used almost immediately... until the ammount of pirates calms and begins to decline pirating will be very unprofitable (IMO)

Jan 30, 2004 Eldrad link
I completely agree with Phoenix. It is extremely difficult to make money pirating. Most of the complaints are against greifers who have a completely separate source of income and are spending money on their entertainment. Pirates are way too easy to deal with. You only need to attack the pirate. There's no need to guard the traders, or catch the pirate in the act. Everyone has access to a list of every player in the game, every player in their sector, and the real name of anyone who kills them. Which leaves 0 room for a pirate to play it smart hitting their targets by surprise and avoiding the 'authorities' or in this case non-pirate fighters.

I know people don't like dying, especially when they're in a trade ship, but there are very few (maybe no) people who turn a profit from pirating alone.

So as a non-pirate I fully support anything that helps give pirates a chance, and will hopefully reduce increase the number of pirates playing the game. Which will make trading more interesting. Also that would occupy at least some of the homicidal maniacs that are running around now with more RPG productive behavior.

(PS Phoenix I didn't mean to lie, but when I got you down to 1-15% health and you jumped to s4 and weren't in 4 or 7 when I followed, I assumed you'd logged, maybe you lost your connection I don't know. Sorry for the accusation.)
Jan 30, 2004 Ceadda link
There's nothing wrong with logging out in a wormhole. Taking it out is rather pointless. Why? Perhaps you just needed to go do something or you were planning on logging off for the night anyway. Wormholes provide a fast way to log off with almost no time spent where someone can fly along while your helpless and shoot you up. Yes, stations provide instant logoff but if your not at a station why should you have to fly to one just to log off safely.

Also, as far as the "oh it makes pirating harder" goes. Good. We need plenty of things to keep life as hard as possible for the pirates so that the noobs and lesser players can stand to play the game long enough to get to like it.

The one thing a wormhole does provide, against pirates. Is a nice way to escape the annoyance of having some 'oooh i'm a pirate oooh' person who cant hit the broadside of a barn, following you across 3 sectors firing rockets and tracers and gauss after you every 10 seconds. It gets on your nerves fast enough that your glad to be able to log out in a warp, wait for their 10 second attention span to run out then log back in and continue on your way.

And you know what else? This nice post...

"This really needs to be fixed, 3/4ths of the traders now log off in warp, making it impossible to pirate. And before you all start whining about how profitable pirating is, IT ISN'T. Try pirating for 1 month, with all the enemies you have, you're constantly hunted. If you don't believe me, look at my deaths. So, you get killed 300 times, and your source of income dries up because of an exploit. Bit unfair."

GOOD! When the number of pirates gets back down to a reasonable number so the rest of the players can have their battles, trading, and whatever they think is fun.. WITHOUT constant interupption by people who fly in just to shoot at anything that moves weather or not it has any cargo. Then, we can take out things that make it unfair to the pirates.
Jan 30, 2004 SirCamps link
Caedda, your post is incredibly biased and without logic. Just because someone ticks you off doesn't mean you should be able to exploit. Nada.

There's nothing wrong with logging out in a wormhole. Taking it out is rather pointless. Why? Perhaps you just needed to go do something or you were planning on logging off for the night anyway. Wormholes provide a fast way to log off with almost no time spent where someone can fly along while your helpless and shoot you up. Yes, stations provide instant logoff but if your not at a station why should you have to fly to one just to log off safely.
1) Fast way to log off is /logoff; Logging off in a wormhole takes as much time.
2) If someone is chasing you, then you shouldn't be able to log off, deal with them first, then log.

The point (original intent, if you will) of /logoff is to prevent people from logging off to save their skin when incredibly damaged. Now, logging off in wormholes bypasses the 10 second countdown, because your time spent loading is counted as double. You're invisible, invincible, and counting down to /logoff. Ten seconds is not a long time. This exploit bypasses the 10-second safe-guard of logging to save your ship.

I suggest just prohibiting /log-off while in a warp, and making it disable if you warp (counts like any other action: firing, boosting, moving). /log-off should not be available if you're invincible (starting it immediately as you come out of a wormhole).
Jan 30, 2004 Phoenix_I link
I'm not incredibly rich because of pirating, I'm incredibly rich because of flag capping and winning in the casino bot. I have made probably 400k pirating. I have 300 deaths from pirating, most in valks, take that factor and multiply it by 50k, you should come out with 5000000 cost, add in the 400k I've made I'm in the hole by 4.6 million credits, if it wasn't for capping, I'd be dirt poor. once in every 50 mauds you blow up, about 1-2 will have nanites, 15 of them carry nation widgets that are completely worthless, and most of the others carry widgets worth 1.5-3k. Ceadda, I wouldn't judge how easy pirating is until you are a pirate. If you haven't pirated, I suggest you don't judge something you know nothing about. Like sircamps said, /logoff was made so that you couldn't just quit in the middle of a fight to save your ship, doing it in the wormhole is the same as not having the feature, which is NOT intended. Therefore the devs SHOULD change this to make logging off in warp impossible.
Jan 30, 2004 Magus link
It is actually possible to profit from pirating, just not very much. You have to choose your targets judiciously and avoid unnecessary fights that put you at risk for no gain.
The thing is, most people who pirate do it for the combat, so they don't bother being careful with their targets. They just attack whoever comes along. That leads to more money for ammo, more deaths and lost ships, and more people who come along and attack you because they think you're a jerk. The temparment that involves heading into piracy cancels out the virtues needed to make it a profitable venture. Besides which, those same virtues, avoiding fights you might not win and patience, will make you a whole lot more money if you go into trading than piracy.

That was a long and pointless rant. I'm bored.
Jan 30, 2004 Durgia link
Pirating is not profitable, my pirate char is always low on cash. However a lot of this is to do with the huge amount of pirates and wanna be pirates. Reduce the competition increases the profit.

Also I think the timer should be paused while invulnerable. It seems the simplest and most fair solution.
Jan 30, 2004 paedric link
What does fair have to do with it? If griefers/pie rats played fair, then they would give you a chance to drop your cargo and only take what they could carry away, then leave you alone for awhile rather than taking great pleasure in destroying a ship that you had just spent hours earning the credits to pay for.

Sorry. Fair does NOT enter into the equasion.
Jan 30, 2004 Phoenix_I link
Paedric 9/10ths of traders do NOT drop thier cargo when asked. It just gives them more time to escape, and if your timing is off by a couple seconds there is great possibility you lose your target for good, because he/she runs to the nearest gate and logs off in warp, or gets to the station. Think about pirates in real life. They don't say, oh please mr. merchant give me your cargo, NO they kill THEN ask questions.