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Permanent Loss Of Standing

Dec 15, 2004 gamejunky link
Theres gotta be a way to regain standing with Non Human factions such as Corvus, Xang Xi and so on. I am currently -611 Xang Xi, Too low to get into station and take a trade mission. I think that sectors around the station should be that factions bots. There is no fun in having permanent faction loss :( It just kills the game
Dec 15, 2004 Spider link
Hmm. Allow me to wonder, what did you do to get dropped down in standing that far?

Did you -repeatedly- attack and destroy somone with the factions protection up to the point where you take -multiple- standing drops -with- warnings for each that you are attacking a -protected- player?

Did you blatantly ignore this and keep attacking them inside the protected area of a station sector, until you got marked as KOS?

And is this not the -SECOND- time that you are repeatedly killing people outside stations, then whining that your reputation is dropped?
Dec 15, 2004 RelayeR link
Umm...this is not a bug.

[Moved to Suggestions]
Dec 15, 2004 Anevitt link
wow it WOULDA been a good idea GJ except for the fact that you ****ED with my guildmates to get that faction and then mock them in the process. Go get ur pvp fix somewhere else!
Dec 15, 2004 johnhawl218 link
Adding faction to the bots around a giving stations factions is a great idea, probably been mentioned before but it was mentioned here and I think it's great. Doing trade mission as the only form of faction increase for the "independent" terriroties gets really boring really fast. As for GameJunky's problem, stop attacking in stations! =P Also, when mining in said area, trading the mined goods should increase faction as well. Or they could implement mining quests that would allow faction increases (Other then prospecting missions which are THE most boring missions in the game!!!).
Dec 15, 2004 Nya13 link
why stoping attack at station? if i am a bad guy or pirate or trying to kill enemy...

our risk is to lose standing and got attacked by bots.
But if we want to change and stop attacking people at station. How can we regain a good standing if our standing fall below -599?

the problem isn't attacking at station

problem is there is no way to regain standing if you fall below -599.
Dec 15, 2004 johnhawl218 link
Agreed, that is why I mentions possible solutions:

1) Turn the bots that surround the stations for say, 4 sectors in each direction, to have a positive faction increase when you kill them.

This will work till you are no longer hated… then…

2) Increase faction for trading mineral resources that are mined in there zones (4 sectors in each direction). Since they don't have to do it themselves this should go a good thing.

3) And as always, trade missions
Dec 15, 2004 wylfing link
I do not agree. I don't know the details of this situation, but if a pilot insists on killing people, over and over, just as they emerge from the dock, then there should come a time when that station no longer welcomes you in its space. Ever again.

"Dock raping" (as it's known in Freelancer) is not PvP. It is griefing, and the system ought to remain stacked against griefers.
Dec 15, 2004 johnhawl218 link
I disagree with that, while greifers should be penalized, not allowing them to change there ways later on is not fare either. The bot killing is punishment enough as no one wants to kill 2000 bots just to raise faction from -1000. Plus with the National Bounty system, the nation just needs to put out a bounty on the person griefing it's visiters. When that bounty is collected they loose 1% of all there liceses, and again that is also enough to hopefully make griefing not worth it. If not then they will be in a vicious cycle of KoS -> Neutral -> KoS -> Neutral, etc.
Dec 15, 2004 Lin link
I think, Gamejunky isn't such a newbie and should have known better, that it's not the best idea to kill a player 3 times at a station - always ignoring the warning, that the person he is attacking, has a good standing with that faction.

But he seems to be very blood thirsty and the 3rd kill, was annotated with the words "got that bitch".

Maybe it is not *political* correct, that you can't get standing back because you are locket out and can't trade, but i ask, where should a player feel safe, if not at a faction/station, where his standing is admire?

Linda (-:
Dec 15, 2004 Spellcast link
I tend to agree to a point that there should be no way to regain standing with a faction (any faction) once you drop it past a certain point. However that point IMO should not be at -599. Perhaps at -850 you would be totally unable to regain standing again, make the KOS point -850 as well, and just revoke docking privledges at -599.

(incidentally IMO this goes for the nations as well, its far far far too easy to regain standing with the player nations just by botting)

as a compromise i propose that between -599 and -849 you should be able to /msg a defbot or other NPC associated with a station you are locked out of, and pay a 'docking permit' allowing you to dock with that station ONCE. the permit's cost would vary based on how far down your reputation was, (starting fee of 6000 credits at -600, +250 for each point your reputation is below that maybe? that would be 68,250 credits per docking at -849 standing)

You would have no ship (not even the free bus) or weapon options to buy, and no way to set that station as your home.

The only thing you would be able to do is take a single trade mission. It would be of the "go, get this cargo, pay for it, bring it back, and we will reimburse you" variety. Just to be mean however you would have to pay to dock again when you returned. This would allow players to work their way back into a factions good graces, but not make it easy for them.
Dec 15, 2004 johnhawl218 link
I could live with that. Would be a pricy way to go but then again, you should not be griefing. =)
Dec 15, 2004 wylfing link
Lin: Well said.

johnhawl218: Putting a game spin on griefing is unhelpful. Griefing is not an in-game activity. It is players trying to punish other players by making their game experience as horrible as possible. There's no reason to tolerate that. I'm frankly impressed that VO has a faction black hole like this, and it's too bad it's not universal.

Spellcast: Well said.
Dec 15, 2004 Nya13 link
what the heck the word "griefing" mean?

i doubt we have the same concept.

some people will whine for nothing while other will just enjoy it.

if you do not want to die in game so leave the dangerous places or do not PvP. Some people are enjoying it there.

The standing lose + station's bots are put in game to protect.
we all known that is hard to gain standing and how standing is important to get a stuffs. Isn't it griefing?
Dec 15, 2004 roguelazer link
Griefing = killing one person multiple times in a fairly short period of time. That's the definition. That's always been the definition. So if you are homed at Corvus Hold, and I kill you, then fly to Corvus Prime to kill you again and again, that's griefing. Killing somebody once is NOT griefing by any accepted definition.
Dec 15, 2004 gamejunky link
i dont think anyone really understands the problem. i killed one person near Daltas hold and it dropped to -611 everything thinks im killing people over and over there. READ.
Dec 15, 2004 wylfing link
roguelazer: It's the intent that makes it griefing. If someone gets killed by the same person 10 times in 10 minutes because there's a PvP war going on, that's not griefing. Killing someone 10 times in 10 minutes because you are angry at the player and want to make the player suffer is griefing.

gamejunky: dropped to -611 from what?
Dec 15, 2004 Spellcast link
gamejunky, you killed lin three times by her account, all three times in L-2. you didnt loose it all at once, you lost it in 3 increments. each time you would have been warned that that pilot was under the protection of that station, and that continuing would bring about standing loss.
Dec 16, 2004 gamejunky link
Check again. Why in the hell would i keep losing faction knowingly on purpose? I only killed her once near the station. I probably did kill her 3 time, probably more. Not near the station though. You get a message saying something bad is gonna happen when you start shooting a player. I only got that once, I didn't think it would drop that hard. Still, there is NO excuse for permanent faction loss for any reason.
Dec 16, 2004 Beolach link
I really like Spellcast's docking fee idea. Makes it costly & difficult to rebuild faction standing, but at least it's possible. But I disagree about any type of permanent standing loss. Yes, it should get progressivly more difficult & time & resource consuming to rebuild standing, but it should never be outright impossible.

But then, I'd like to see just about *everything* a player does affect their standing with factions, in many varied complex ways. So I think there should be more ways to lose standing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but currently, no-fire zones around stations are pretty much the only way to lose standing for non-nation factions, right?.