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Pirates have "honor"? Prove it.

Dec 11, 2004 Illyana link
Reggarding "honorable" pirate's . . . it's been said, by pirates I might add, that if a "victim" doesnt run the pirate wont blow them out of space. For the first time since joining this game I decided to try this theory out. I came across one of these pirats in sedina. He said to drop my cargo. Well, I didnt have any as I only just selected my centaur, a fact I immediately let him know. He then demanded I give him 15k, which I probably would have done had he not continued to shoot at my ship. I wasnt about to give him credits and get blown up anyway. I said to him that he wouldnt get anything by shooting me. I did not reciece a responce, other than his continued firing, which resulted in the quick destruction of one empty centaur. Now . . . since I was in grey space, I have no problem getting pirated. Its only to be expected there. But I do have problems with getting blown up when I was actually complying with this . . . (insert colorful description of your choice here). I would like to point out to you other people who engage in pirating that treatment like this is enough to ruin your sport. I would rather lose my ship out of spite that give anything whatsoever to this so called pirate after that incident. After talking with a few friends I now for a fact that I am not alone in this sentiment. I dont care about the centaur, I actually think pirating adds a fun element to the game. But pirating is one thing, griefing is another. I think the pirate leaders need to get a handle on their recruits if they want people to take them seriously. For the moment I dont.
Dec 11, 2004 Tyrdium link
Some pirates are honorable, some aren't. Tell people who he was, and they'll make sure to KOS him.
Dec 12, 2004 Chao link
Don't confuse fight and combat.

Some pirates fight, and that's all nice and dandy and makes VO richer, they warn "Yarrr, pay or die!", you jettison for maneuverability and duel, one of you explodes. They are buccaneers, privateers, freelancers, glory seekers, and I fully support them.

Some pirates wage combat on you, they assault, then explode you or run, and don't let you scale the balance back in your favor in any way. They are street-thugs.
Dec 12, 2004 thurisaz link
Here's the thing: there will NEVER be a such thing as an "honorable" pirate, until they can scan our holds to see "well, golly... he really DOESN'T have any cargo..."

Until that happens, the instinctual rage felt by the perpetually underachieving pirate will ALWAYS lead them to think "liar!! st00pid lying trad3r... I KNOW YOU HAVE CARGO, NOW **GIVE IT!!!**"
Dec 12, 2004 genka link
I don't see how you were complying. Had you given the poor man his 15k and THEN got killed, then sure, I'd see how this pirate's actions might be considered mildly dishonorable.
But since you basically told him to bugger off, I say he did us all a favor by killing yet another boring trader.
Dec 12, 2004 simondearsley link
Thanks genka, that exactly right.

I gave you a choice Illyana, jettison your cargo, pay me off or die. You chose the latter. I even gave you several warning shots to let you know I was serious.

Next time, I wont ask.

@ Tyrdium: Please feel free, my char is "Solution"
Dec 12, 2004 Tyrdium link
"@ Tyrdium: Please feel free, my char is "Solution""

Heh, I don't even play anymore, and my piloting skills are insanely rusty. My point was rather that many people will be happy to assist a trader against a pirate.
Dec 12, 2004 Illyana link
You did not give me any such choice. You never stopped firing your "warning shots" untill I was dead. To give someone a "choice" you have pause firing a few moments for them to A.) make the decision, and B.) type said decsion out. Why on earth would someone pay anything while under attack if they think they are just going get blown up anyway? And if it makes you feel big to take out someone as terrible as I am in pvp, what does that say about you as a player? As I said, I dont mind getting pirated in grey space. Even in nation space every now and then. But dont claim to be a pirate if you are going to act like a common pker, which is exactly how you portrayed yourself.

If my earlier comment about pirate honor offended any of the REAL pirates out there, then I appologize to those people, as it is obvious that the person I was reffering too is not a real pirate at all. I have indeed met a few pirates here and there who operate under a code of conduct. My comments were directed at the individuals who hide behind that title so thay can amuse themselves by preying on others who are of no real threat or of lower piloting ability. I.E. - a pker.
Dec 12, 2004 genka link
*sound of trader infiniboosting away*

I've seen it all too many times. You can NEVER trust a trader.

Edit: Give up, get lost, go back to trading quietly. No-one cares about you when you tell a pie-rat to get lost and then get blown away. That's the way it works.
Dec 12, 2004 simondearsley link
I shot you three separate times Illyana. First when you came through the worm hole as I issued my jettison or die message, second when I issued my money or death message, third (the kill) when you told me you would give me nothing. Check your logs, my messages are quite clear: jettison, pay or die. You didn't, jettison, you didn't pay, so you died ;)

Think of it from my perspective: Why would I let you go? Soon word would get out that all you have to do to escape me is pretend you don't have any cargo and refuse to give me credits.
Dec 12, 2004 Illyana link
Genka. If you do not care to read what I have to say then by all means, feel free not read this post. As to your trader infiniboosting away example, when a centaur is at a dead stop (empty or not) it does not take off like a rocket. I am sorry, but your example doesnt apply to my situation. And kindly do not credit to me actions which I have not engaged in. If I had told him to . . . "get lost" . . . then I wouldnt have made this post to begin with. This post is my way of venting, and hopefully drawing the indivudual in question into commenting in so the general public knows who he is and what tactics he practices. It has been something of a small success in both regards.

Simon any pause that you may or may not have made in firing was so short as to go unoticed by me. And you might want check your own logs. I did not tell you I wanst going to give you anything. I told you, while you were firing, that you would not get anything by shooting me. Had you stopped firing long enough for me to type "/givemoney Solution" I would have payed you for the simple fact that my equipment alone cost more than the 15k you were asking. However, you were apparently too trigger happy to hold your fire long enough for me to respond. Now look at it from my perspective. If I had no intention of complying, why did I come to a complete stop and remain that way thoughout the entire ordeal? I could just as easily /exploded if I wanted to lose the ship. You happen to be the most impatient pirate I have yet to come across, if pirate you really are. I remain unconvinced.
Dec 12, 2004 genka link
ooOOo! Quoting now, are we?
"I said to him that he wouldnt get anything by shooting me"
If that's not a 'get lost' I don't know what is.

edit: if you had time to type up a sentence that relating your unwillingness to pay while being shot at, you certainly had time to type in a givemoney command.
Dec 12, 2004 Illyana link
Sorry genka but I wont be baited by taunts.

*/ingore genka*
Dec 12, 2004 genka link
Sorry, didn't mean to make any taunts.
Dec 12, 2004 Illyana link
Apology accepted :) Maybe I just misunderstood your posts.

*/unignore genka*
Dec 13, 2004 myko link
historically didn't pirates use to attack a ship, kill its crew, take the cargo then scuttle the ship...i don't see any reason why pirates should have honour.

To be honest, isn't complaining about this getting pretty old, there will always be players that want to kill other players, get used to it. If the devs decide to somehow protect the traders, the pirates will find ways around it.

Instead of moaning that a big mean pirate killed you, next time get an escort or go out and kill that pirate yourself. Any decent guild should be protecting its members (or at least be giving retaliation against pirates that attack guild members).
Dec 13, 2004 Borb II link
Yeah, if you have the money to pay a pirate, you have money to hire a merc/escort/guard. I'm a trader/miner my self and when I think I may get shot at on a run I hire some one to come along with me. How ever I have been killed by the random crazy nOOb right out side of a station who knew nothing about the 1000m rule. It was nice to see him die with me though...

Bad stuff happens, you can never be ready for every thing. But you can try. But don't pick on the pirates they're just misunderstood. ;)
Dec 13, 2004 Shapenaji link
I would also like to point out Illyana, that recently, I've been exploring the possibility of dropping them down to 10% before I warn, since its the only way I can truly keep them from running. Getting hit doesn't mean we're going to kill you, it just means we're keeping control of the situation, the longer you sit and think, the more likely you are to leave.

I will blow someone up for negotiating my price, and I will definitely blow someone up for disputing my pirating practices. You
tried to regain control of a situation in which he had all the power, tough.
Dec 13, 2004 Spellcast link
This problem will solve itself if the devs rebalance the engines so that infini-boost has a lower top speed limit, forcing pilots to choose between an engine with good top speed but high battery drain (for sprinting) or an engine with long distance turbo, but lower top speed (endurance)

Combatants will then actually have a chance to catch one another.

Incidentally shape, solution; I sympathize with Illyana here. If you continue to fire on a ship (especially a centaur) that has come to a complete halt, you are just a PK'er, not a pirate. Stop firing if the ship has stopped, position yourself directly above it and warn it that any movement or change of facing will result in its destruction. that places the target in a hostage situation while giving the target reason to think that compliance will result in being allowed to leave. Apply a time limit and inform them that they are on a deadline, 30 seconds seems pretty good to me. (be real mean and set up a sector alias with a countdown warning every 5 seconds, the wait command is wonderful)
Dec 13, 2004 genka link
It only takes 10 seconds to log off.