Forums » Suggestions

Suggestion regarding Suggestion forum.

Aug 07, 2005 Cunjo link
I think it would really be helpful if the list of previously-made suggestions in the tread here were to include links to each of those threads mentioned anchored to the titles...
Aug 07, 2005 Spellcast link
heh most of those topics have about a million threads pertaining to them.. the search button and the appropriate keyword will turn up a lot of threads. :)
Aug 08, 2005 johnhawl218 link
who wants to spend hours post diving just to make a suggestion. I've though of this too but never mentioned. It's a good idea, we don't need to list all of the threads, just from now on, if someone makes one, if the FM notices it's in the list they could just add the link under/next to the suggestion #. Not THAT big a deal if done as we go from here on.
Aug 08, 2005 genka link
Why don't you start? Edit your post to add the list from the rbp thread (simple copy-paste) and then start editing in the links to the threads you think are relevant (also simple copy-paste! Whaddayaknow!). It's not that big a deal.
Aug 08, 2005 johnhawl218 link
since the read before posting thread is locked only the FM or other admins can add links to the list. Otherwise I think more people probably would add links of interest.
Aug 08, 2005 roguelazer link
What genka's saying is why don't you copy the list into a post in this thread, add the links, then ask FM to move your version into the locked thread.
Aug 08, 2005 Forum Moderator link
If you post it, I will add it.

If users are interested enough in this to invest their time, I'm willing to fill in areas that get missed. I will caution you that this may have largely no effect on people continuing to post the really obvious suggestions, and may encourage some to belabor a minor point made months ago. Those aren't reasons not to try, however. I just want to be sure that we don't put so much into this that we jump on new players that much harder when they suggest something for the billionth time.

EDIT: Okay I made some headway on this, though I worked pretty quickly. I was going for the earliest or most thorough discussion. There are probably better links, but it's a start.
Aug 09, 2005 kihjin link
FM: Could you please add:

Player Anonymity

I don't know if that's the best title/description. If you think something else works better, feel free to rename it. :)

Also, Simultaneous missions -

Found something else:
Selective cargo loading -

I suppose the above could fit under the 'cargo management (viewing, selective jettison)' but I don't think so, since that is actually implemented, whereas 'selective cargo loading' is not.

Here's another: Ion Storm warning -

Seems like none of my suggestions made the list.... :(
Aug 10, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Thanks, I'll add those. I was feeling a little disgruntled that I acted immediately on a suggestion and nobody responded, so thanks for taking an interest.

Just because your suggestions didn't make the short list, it doesn't mean that they never will be used. The devs have to prioritize their time and may not get to a suggestion until they have to go in and deal with the relevant code for some other purpose.

Even if a suggestion is never used, sometimes the discussion it generates can be very useful to shaping the overall game design.
Aug 10, 2005 Beolach link
A lot of these topics have DOZENS of threads on them. And it's tough to say any one thread on a subject is better than another. I'd suggest that a note be made that the threads linked to may not have all that has been discussed on the topic, and players are still strongly encouraged to use the search function.

Anyway, here're some threads on the topics that didn't have links yet.

asteroids, exploding
cargo management (viewing, selective jettison) [IMPLEMENTED]
chained or alternate fire
disabling rays
exploding cargo
external camera - allow rolling / allow configurable view
"force" powers
gadget ports other than weapon ports
guild trade missions
ion storms, cause damage, fewer
larger ships
multiplayer ships
race courses [IMPLEMENTED]
radar, hiding behind objects
radar, long-range
repairing self in flight
scout drones
shields, Itani or otherwise
stations, building, owning, capturing, destroying, walking in
toggled turbo switch
turbo in other directions
turrets, player-controlled [IMPLEMENTED]
update this list :P
walking around in stations
Aug 10, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Thanks. Ya knew I would have to add a note. Some of the things that I didn't link yet have many threads, but nothing I had found yet was worthy of linking. I might locate and combine some of the more problematic ones if I have time.
Aug 17, 2005 Cunjo link
Thank you very much, everyone. Sorry I kinda dropped off the face of the forums for a while... been rough just finding the time to PLAY the game.

I don't have anything against searching, spellcast, but of course, a lot of people seem inable to comprehend that feature, or are just too lazy, and so end up remaking threads... it takes more time than just running over a page and clicking, so I guess I can't blame them. =)
Aug 17, 2005 Beolach link
The search function is rather limited. Once you get the hang of it, it can usually find what you're looking for, but getting the hang of it is rather tricky. It is something the devs plan on improving eventually, but it isn't a high priority.
Aug 17, 2005 incarnate link
That's great, having links will make it a lot easier for someone like me to parse and actually.. use.