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You might be a Vendetta addict if...

Feb 09, 2004 Sheean link
682) When writing somebody's name on paper, you reach out for the tab key.
683) You named your dog valkerie and made it controlable with keyboard
683a) It can also fire flares
683b) At other dogs
684) You tested if your business plan would work in r/l by testing it in vendetta.
684a) It worked
684b) You made a fortune out of the plan
685) When going for groceries you stock pile home 'for lower prices', and feel sorry for all the n00bs trading a few items at a time.
686) When asked on school the ways of transporting goods you say:
686a) You get points for that answer.
Feb 09, 2004 SirCamps link
688) You affectionately call other moderators on other websites "FM."
Feb 09, 2004 DR link
689) Your name is celebrim (see thread "Stealth and Sensors", heh)
690) You've gone to your local recruitment office (maybe not applicable for all countries) and asked to join the Serco Defense Force.
691) You've created a guild in Vendetta that people actually knew about
692) You created a RPG (with paper, like D&D) based on the vendetta universe
693) All your friends play said RPG with you while waiting for the next vendetta update
694) when this thread finally reaches a thousand you have more then a tenth of the reasons
695) after you've just robbed a store you complain to the police that "They weren't n00bs or anything... they had it coming to them with having all that merchandice out in the open..."
696) You designed a vendetta wallpaper for your room
697) You tried to sell this to various wallpaper stores (no I don't know what they're actually called)
697a) They actually bought and began to sell said wallpaper...
698) You've designed vendetta "action figures" and use them to simulate ingame events so you can "practice" and figure out what you'd do in battle situations without losing any money
699) you hold the time trial records to all the race courses in vendetta
700) You made your own vendetta "credits" and try to buy things in stores with them
701) You just made a heckofalot of reasons simply to steal #700 from roguelazer :P

(when this is done [reached 1k reasons] I'm gonna post another thread with ALL of them, sorted by user and such [the more you've posted the higher up you get]... don't worry I'll still make Phaserlight first)
Feb 09, 2004 lunitary link
702) you are not surprised that this thread is still running with new ideas
Feb 09, 2004 roguelazer link
703) The frigate ph33rs you!

704) People make up reasons just to steal *00 from you

705) You hold the "Most Posts" spot at 3 vendetta-related forums

706) You use a ship from Vendetta as your avatar for Everything

707) You're planning on making "Designed for Vendetta" stickers for people to put on their computers

708) You have -asked- specifically to be muted

708a) Your request was denied
Feb 09, 2004 Jm262 link
709) if you say your going to leave but really just come back on anyway even though you made a big deal out of it on the boards.

710) your on the Vendetta Patch 3 step program
Feb 09, 2004 Sheean link
711) The local government pays you to stop your addiction (weird country this is, no?)
711a) It doesn't work...
Feb 09, 2004 zxeonflux link
god can there be any more reasons for being a vendetta addict????
Feb 09, 2004 DR link
712) you truly believe that there can't be any more reasons for being a vendetta addict and therefore since you think none of the said ones apply to you, you don't think you are one!
Feb 09, 2004 spectre_c_me link
713) you think all the non-believers of this thread reaching 1000 reasons should be shot with a rail gun and strapped to the frigate while being repeatedly tortured with flares
714) you, after reason 698, have named certain figures after certain players in hopes that 1 day you will kill that player
714a) ... you succeeded
714b) ... you believed 714a acctually happened
715) you continue to sneak on your computer while your password is off in hopes that a friend will give you a way to hack your password when it is put back on
715a) ... the friend you are talking about lives down the street from you
715b) ... you are willing to resort to violence until that friend helps you, even though you are going to court for due to your stupid sibling
715c) ... you think that most of the players on vendetta have heard your story and wonder how many people are tired of hearing it
716) you make more posts on this thread than any other thread, including your recent additions to the Question Mk2 thread of SLs and its continuation
717) you cant wait for SL to publish the Question Mk2 thread as a book: for, by, and remembered by the players of Vendetta
Feb 09, 2004 Spellcast link
718) you have purchased a lotto ticket with the specific intention of donating to Guildsoftware if you won
718b) you never play the lottery
719) you have spent hours trying to figure out how to get guildsoftware funds even though you lost your job the day after christmas.
720) you were more upset when you went home later that night and found out guild was in trouble.
721) you cheered out loud when you found out that vendetta had gotten funding.
722) you sit at a keyboard for an hour with a great idea for vendetta, but are unable to write it out in such a way that is clear enough that celebrim won't rip it apart in 5 minutes so you give up. :)
723) even though you didn't post the idea, you are still working on it.
724) you can identify at least 3 veteran players who have started a new character within 5 minutes based on the way they fly.
725) you were upset when phoenix switched to serco cause you cant hunt him anymore.
Feb 09, 2004 DR link
726) you try to move posts and threads to the proper forum by putting things like: [moved to <forum goes here>] in threads.
727) you're convinced that when the thread is finally moved by the real FM that you were the one who moved it
728) you're actually the one who moved it...
Feb 09, 2004 Jm262 link
729) you've heard spectre_c_me's story about his sibliing
729a) your going to his court date
730) you claim that your going to be a forum moderator one day because you've been here for more than a year
731) you think that all these people have no lifes because of how high the number has gone on this
732)you realize half these reasons don't even have any relation to vendetta
Feb 09, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
733) You wonder why people want you to make a book out of Question even though you haven't updated the running story in about 2 months.
Feb 09, 2004 DR link
734) you think SL should write a program to update the question thread every 24 hours
Feb 09, 2004 spectre_c_me link
735) you wish that Jm would be sure to bring RPM's and a flare or 50 with him to your court date
736) you are planning on annoying SL until he updates the thread
736a) ... you drop that idea, in fear that he will never update it again
736b) ... you still want to do it, but know you wont
737) you played vendetta so much that you just realized that your father was studying all day on the computer for a military rank test and he left chilli on the mouse, you just got, from dinner at 7pm.
738) you know more leaders in Vendetta than in your own country

see for details of 738:

spectre_c_me's last post
Feb 10, 2004 Spellcast link
739) Your goal is to have the longest single non-gibberish post on the vendetta suggestions forum.
740) your name isn't celebrim
741) you aspire to this even though you know no-one will ever read the whole thing
Feb 10, 2004 spectre_c_me link
742) you have an idea of what Spellcast means with 741
Feb 10, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
751) You've used Legos to build scale models of the craft in Vendetta
752) You sent them to your cousins with little notes that say "Next time I see you, this is what you'll be facing!"
753) Your creditors are after you about your apparently MASSIVE debt incurred by the Valkyrie spree
754) You now love DR for adding the SDF into this mix as a piece of the addiction
755) You actually went into a USAF recruiter and started talking and wound up on your "past expierence in commanding positions" on your guild and the SDF in general
756) You both start griping about the old SMs ways
757) Turns out the USAF recruiter is in fact another SDF (I am NOT kidding you, this actually happened, it scared me half to death!)
758) You've discussed the end of the test and openly wept
759) You're prepared to pay guild anything just to have Vendetta
760) Your seeing a girl simply so that while she gets ready you can use her t1 line to play Vendetta
760a) You've more than once on the topic of marrage brought up s9 as the "Vegas Of Vendetta" and how nice a honeymoon it would be.
761) You ask guild to pay you some money to get rehab after becoming addicted to Vendetta
762) They realize after checking your logon logs that you need help they give it to you
763) The therapy isnt working since you sneek Vendetta "hits" every nite.
Feb 10, 2004 DR link
743) You know why the name "vendetta" was chosen
744) You're constantly chatting in the game, either logged in or using the IRC ingame channel
745) you used vendetta to break a substance addiction problem
746) you've redone your entire keyboard with the names of what each key is binded to ingame.
747) the first-finger button on your mouse is labeled "primary fire"
748) You built one of the sectors in vendetta out of snow in your backyard
749) you watch the movie pearl harbor and can't stop thinking that it would have been way cooler with avalon torpedos
750) you think ramming is a reasonable tactic to employ against anyone and everyone, simply because you're "good at it"