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You might be a Vendetta addict if...

Dec 20, 2003 LordViking link
502) You remember when you could have practically every weapon onboard your Rag
Dec 20, 2003 roguelazer link
503) You remember when you could have practically every weapon onboard your Centurion
Dec 20, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
504) You remember the Pre-Vulture fighter
505) You still have one despite the updates
506) You were an Elite n00b when you founded what would become the largest ever guild in Vendetta dedicated to only 1 nation.
507) When you get married in Vendetta to another player...alk0n designs special Vults for all the guests to make them look like Tuxedoes and designs a special Ragnorok with GTS "Just Married" written on it.
508) The Vults are all armed with Rice Shooting Flechette Cannons (no birds in VEndetta so no need to not use rice)
509) You hire the SDF Honor Guard to give you a ceremonial escort.
Dec 20, 2003 dragos link
510: You have a list of all the nicks you have ever used in vendetta and the total is 3 digits.
Dec 21, 2003 spectre_c_me link
511) you are asked what you do by a date and you hesitate and say: i pirate on 1 char, trade on another, pretend to be a girl on another, run like a scared chicken on another, and i bot on my last char
511a) ... she understands what you mean
Dec 21, 2003 spectre_c_me link
512) when you log on and seem to be in a polite mood, FiReMaGe asks you if you still despise the IRC connection to Vendetta
512a) say of course... but in a polite way
Dec 21, 2003 spectre_c_me link
513) you remember an e-mail of what bored people do in Wal-Mart and you remember to try some of those in Vendetta
513a) ...they work better in Vendetta than in real life
513b) like being able to do them in real life but on vendetta seems to be more of a challenge
Dec 21, 2003 dragos link
514: you post to this three times in a row and ignore the edit link.
Dec 21, 2003 spectre_c_me link
514a) are proud of that
514b) finally use the edit button to please another player
Dec 22, 2003 Spellcast link
515) you add a reason to this post to see if it can be restarted.
Dec 22, 2003 roguelazer link
516) you remember when the "saturn" planet currently in sec7 was in Sector 5.
Dec 22, 2003 roguelazer link
517) You remember the green balls that used to be warpholes
Dec 22, 2003 Phoenix_I link
518) You've seen Incarnate and a1k0n duke it out in frigates.
518a) You were the victor
518b)You did it in a bus
518c)Your name is Phoenix
Dec 22, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
519) You saw a1 and Incarnate duke it out with Nukes
520) you saw the NUKE ring in s9 made by (I believe) a1
521) You have duked it out with Incarnate's Dev Ship
521a) You won
522) You fought Incarnate's Ragnorok and lost but kept going back for more
523) Incarnate DEV-Warped you (I think) to stop you from closing down on him again
524) You wish you could have engaged a1k0n but you were Serco
525) You came up with the idea to have Incarnate's frigate drove into s9 station by pilots bumping it into range and then it falling into it.
526) The frigate killed you when you were driving it into the station
Dec 22, 2003 spectre_c_me link
527) you were /killed by Incarnate cause some fool interfeared with a duel between Incarnate and a1k0n
527a) have proof that Incarnate made a mistake and gave you an apology
527b) still remember that you were on as visible one at the time
528) you know the story of how the server went down involving the trash truck and the power line that a1k0n was driving
529) you know the story of Lady Serco, the Egg Queen, the hamsters, pie, and donkey and how they relate to Vendetta
Dec 22, 2003 spectre_c_me link
530) you went back to check the numbering of this thread and found and that 11 is repeated 2 times by 2 people (right after each other), 235 is repeated and makes fun of you on 1 of them, 235 jumped to 239, you notice Lemming made a copy of a reason you made up 252 (and its the 2nd time he had made a mistake), you realize that the thread creator screwed up his number at 254, 429 jumps to 450 (and you made those reasons)
530a) hydrocarbon confused you with his 236 comment and you dont know if thats a reason or not
Dec 23, 2003 roguelazer link
531) You convinced Incarnate to bring out the Frigate

532) You've been devwarped 3+ times in one day
Dec 23, 2003 mcnut link
533) you've shaved your character name into your pubes
533b) your character name is more than six characters
533c) you had your significant other shave it in for you
533d) you gave him/her your explanation as to why and they still did it

534)you complain about the lack of an 'arcade mode' in your car, and keep searching for a way to strafe.
Dec 23, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
545: You wonder why there are so many ships to be bought instead of the normal 3.
Dec 24, 2003 spectre_c_me link
536)you wonder what happened tot he numbers 535-544 in a thread list