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You might be a Vendetta addict if...

Dec 11, 2003 roguelazer link
39) When your teachers make a comment about your maturity, you promise to someday be as mature as a1k0n and they have no idea what the hell you're talking about
40) You spend 15 hours trying to install a piece of software to view another user's models, then give up because the code is unmaintaned
41) You can't remember which world is real anymore.
Dec 11, 2003 Magus link
42) You can actually pronounce impronouncable names like a1k0n, ?, /^\, and $ out loud.
Dec 11, 2003 Pyro link
43) You feel old when you help a newb learn how to jump
Dec 11, 2003 mcnut link
44)you spend time charting out the current prices of goods bought and sold in all sectors to see which one will turn you the best profit for that hour.
44a) you've actuallly figured out the source code for the dynamic economy without ever seeing it.
45)you have a pet named after a dev
45a) the pets name is a1kon
46)you've coded a bot for vendetta
46a) you've fixed someone elses bot for vendetta
47)you say things like "wow, 9 is like the new 7..."
48)you've made a case for your computer that resembles a ship in vendetta.
49)Guild software starts charging you for the game months before anyone else because you have been hogging the bandwidth.
Dec 11, 2003 LordViking link
You know, 9 IS like the new 7...
Dec 11, 2003 StarFreeze link
50) The community forum board you made hits one year old. (Dec 5th, was the date mine became 1 year old.)

51) You spend every possible moment of your idle time(not playing Vendetta) talking on the Vendetta irc channel to other Vendetta players.

52) If your name is Whistler.

53) You have created a bank for the people of Vendetta

54) You have stayed up till 3 in the morning for a Vendetta update

55) You have a name on irc registered that is like "Lil_devname"

56) You take "action" shots of the frigate in sector 16.
Dec 11, 2003 a1k0n link
57) You spend roughly half of your life over the last five years writing the stupid thing.

rogue, the maturity of someone who administratively /kills people randomly in retaliation isn't the best standard to hold yourself to...
Dec 11, 2003 furball link
Ahhh crap... 53, 54, and 55 got me... damn you SF ... DAMN you to hell!!!! :)
Dec 12, 2003 toshiro link
oy oy... i could say yes to roughly half of the reasons in this thread.

58) you design ship models with a 2d program from 5 different angles because your mac lacks a decent CAD app.

59) you think of pressing "enter" when at the door to an adjacent room
59a) you exit your appartment/house by thinking "escape" and "x"
Dec 12, 2003 Jm262 link
60) When someone says something funny you respond by saying lol, in real life.
61) When you step out side you are blinded by the sun, despite the fact that's it's 12 midnight.
Dec 12, 2003 roguelazer link
62) You have posted in this thread

63) You have been to sector 0, more than once

64) You ask to be killed by Node 0

65) You remember the point NAN,NAN,NAN days

66) You host other people's websites for free, just because they're Vendetta related

67) People know your nick without you knowing theirs
Dec 12, 2003 DR link
68) your eyes begin to burn and blink uncontrollably while sitting at the computer yet you keep playing anyway

69) you've bought multiple joysticks and mice in an attempt to see which will finally give you an edge over icarus

70) you've memorized all the bind commands and can recite them at any time

71) all your friends start more than one conversation a week (either face to face with you or on irc) with the words "the other night i was playing vendetta when...."
Dec 12, 2003 Atom link
72) You've read this whole thread.
73) You try to think of ways to play Vendetta at work without anyone noticing.
Dec 12, 2003 lunitary link
74) you try to think of what describes a vendetta addict after reading this whole thread
Dec 12, 2003 ojok2 link
75) You fail miserably at that and end up posting nothing but a waste of space.
Dec 12, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
76) You brag about being from 2.7 and have a huge ego.
Dec 12, 2003 ctishman link
77) You think #76 is justified
Dec 12, 2003 mcnut link
78) you barge into other nation sectors as an Itani screaming "For the Commune!"
79) you get drunk at the computer while playing vendetta... and in the morning tell people you're hung over because you were "out with a few friends"
80) you find pleasure in having the highest bounty in sector 9, even though you put it on yourself, and have a key bound to cancel the bounty at any given moment.
81) you know what the party roid is and visit there often, even when other people aren't hanging out there.
82) you've learned LUA to attempt to help the devs build better AI bots.
83) you're designing your own space sectors inside your house, making the furniture look like asteroids, and the appliances look like stations.
Dec 13, 2003 FiReMaGe link
84) You knew who Kastin Thunderclaw was at some point.

84a) You attempted to make Kastin Thunderclaw reveal himself.

84b) You succeeded.

85) You've reached 1M score without any deaths.

86) You've reached rank #1 before the first reset and between any two resets.

87) You understood #86.

87a) You didn't ask "Wasn't there just one reset?" after reading #86.

88) You know there were at least three resets.

89) You've been to sector 404.

89a) You watched sector 404 being created.

89b) #89 and #89a applies to sector 405 for you also.

90) You remember The Gauntlet.

90a) You know "The Gauntlet" was the Ceres Station race track in sector 405.

90b) You created The Gauntlet.

91) You suggested the name of The Guantlet.

92) You were the one who first went to the party roid.

93) You called the party roid "teh spot".

94) You remember The Line of Destruction.

94a) You remember why it was called The Line of Destruction.

95) You had ops in #vendetta for at least an hour.

96) You have auto-ops or auto-voice in #vendetta.

97) You had a character in race 0 (White Nation / Green Nation / Server Nation / Robot Nation).

98) You regret missing out on a few things in Vendetta or simply just not playing for at least a week.

99) You can solo-cap in Vendetta Test 3.3.12.

100) Someone or something related to Vendetta is your god.

100a) *** is your god.

101) You consider Soon as a trademark of Guild Software.

Yes, all of what I have contributed in this post, not the entire list, apply to me except #91, and maybe #100. For #91, Someone suggested naming that out of no where so I just named it that.

I tried to make a broad one for 100 that was still good. Sorry if it's not good enough :P.

Edit: Hmm... Woah. I uhh... didn't know I'd put that much.
Dec 13, 2003 Pyro link
Sorry, but Ambrosia already has "soon" trademarked... :P