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You might be a Vendetta addict if...

Dec 14, 2003 Sheean link
163) Newbs look up to you as an action hero
164) You sell action figures of yourself because of that
165) You can solo cap 2 flags within 2 minutes
166) You can fly in a sector with your eyes closed while killing icarus, arolte and phoenix... in a stock bus... without repairing
167) You can kill anyone everywhere within 30 sec... even if they`re on your team
168) You control your car with a keyboard or joystick couse it`s what you`re used to
167) You control your bicycle with a keyboard...
168) You ported vendetta to your pda
169) A documentary was made about your vendetta gaming skills
170) You can control 5 characters at the same time... while drinking coffee
Dec 14, 2003 roguelazer link
171) When you enter sc5, you think you've made it into red territory

172) "vendetta" is in your bash history more than any other command (including ls)

173) You've played Vendetta on machines without graphics cards

174) You have trained people that now play better than you do

175) You are willing to spend money on Vendetta
Dec 14, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
176) You'll create a riot if vendetta crashes and burns.
Dec 14, 2003 Phoenix_I link
177)If you've ever captured both flags at the same time with the same character (Yes this is possible, I've done it).
178)If you try to grief the devs everytime their on.
179)You've suggested something and its actually been implemented.
180)You're confused when people talk about this "real life" thing.
Dec 14, 2003 Pyro link
181) When going on long car rides, you wish the car had an efficient engine and fast charge battery so you could turbo and get there in 1/3 the time.
Dec 14, 2003 Sheean link
182) When you want ambient7.ogg to be played on your funeral
183) Your name is in the credits (btw, it stills says: copyright 2002)
184) When you log off you feel something is mising
185) You had to go to the doctor couse you felt seriously ill when the vendetta server was down
186) You bought plane tickets to fly to the hq to help fix the server when it didn`t work anymore
186b) when you live on the other side of the world
187) If you don`t post at the forum couse you`re to busy playing it...
Dec 14, 2003 roguelazer link
188) you have had more than one person respond to your "I Quit" thread

189) you decided to stay instead of quit after 188 happened

190) the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery was to donate 50% of it to Guild Software

191) you are thinking of transposing ambient7.ogg and slipping it into your Orchestra's library

192) your psychological evaluator asks you what your fasination with "Vendetta"s is.

193) you have secret screenshots from the pre-public version of vendetta

194) you ask other people for such screenshots

195) You learned 13375p34k from vendetta

196) given the choice, you'd prefer that the matrix was in the form of vendetta

197) you had a dev beam cannon... once

198) you want blue ions back

199) you want blue lasers back

200) you had both the 150th and the 200th posts in this thread
Dec 14, 2003 StarFreeze link
201) You have donated to Guild Software
Dec 14, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
202) If 201 applies to you and you encourage others to do so.
203) If you remember when there was only 1 official forum, and you couldn't even edit your posts!
Dec 14, 2003 DR link
204) you make up addiction reasons that are really cruddy for the sole purpose of getting to a certain number of symtoms of being addicted to vendetta
205) you got the 205th... oh wait
Dec 14, 2003 simondearsley link
206) Your getting sick of reading 'The Valk needs to be nurfed' threads, listening to someone wining cos they got killed by a tri-gov issued laser valk in their free engine/free batt Centaur...
207) You think the bus needs to be nurfed instead
Dec 14, 2003 Pyro link
208) You're the reason why the bus needs to be nerfed. ;)
Dec 14, 2003 SiliconX link
209) You've read all 208 and want to post more.

210) You have a strang attraction to busses and love to ride in them even though you get overwhelmingly car sick.

211) When in Biology class and the teacher asks the class to name some things about the vulture, you respond with "It has two small ports", and are puzzled by the aghast stares given to you by the rest of the class.

212) You create a new religon, "alk0nism", and dub the devs to be the sacred gods and their hq to be heaven.

213) You worry about spending too much time in real life.
Dec 14, 2003 ctishman link
214) You have no god but Serco, and Prometheus is her prophet.

215) You made Lady Serco and Lord Prometheus up.

216) You have HTML sitting in your archive that mentions both "Legions of Prometheus" and "Red Nation SecureNet".
Dec 14, 2003 spectre_c_me link
217) you wonder who the loved ones in HumpyThePenguin's post are
218) you remember when s7 looked like a good trade post
219) you remember seeing syn[n00b] with a score
220) you remember the first pirate you met when you get pirated by icarus, phoenix, skrail, or any other nameless pirates...
221) you remember UncleDave as a pirate
222) you wonder if Blaster2 ever decided to home somewhere besides the non-existent s8 station
222a) you were fooled into thinking a s8 station really existed because of Blaster2
223) you have characters that all seem to be closely resemblant

-invisiblish one

224) you are asked by more than 2 people to hit a player in real life
224a) you see more than 1 player walking down the hall in school and you yell their vendetta character name
Dec 14, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
225) in response to 211, the teacher says, "No, it has 3 small ports, talon, talon, beak."
Dec 14, 2003 Celkan link
131a) you were the cause of/ were a participant in said incident
Dec 14, 2003 spectre_c_me link
226) you wonder how many posts will be posted making little to know sense...
227) you want to /me smacks *insert name here* when someone says something stupid
Dec 14, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
/me smacks spectre_c_me
Dec 14, 2003 spectre_c_me link

-invisiblish one

227a) someone /me smacks you and you wonder if they stole your idea


228) you frantically hit edit to fix your stupid typo and wonder if someone saw that