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You might be a Vendetta addict if...

Dec 14, 2003 crazydeb8r link
227) You realized hat people jumped from 200's to 100's and are upset.
Dec 14, 2003 spectre_c_me link
230) you hide your face in shame for failing to hide you typo
230a) you blame the time for your typos
231) you spend your lunch in school typing on vendetta threads while wishing to play the game instead of post
231a) you spend your computer class doing the same thing
231b) you frantically try to download vendetta over and over on to a computer in your school log in name
Dec 14, 2003 spectre_c_me link
232) you wake up in the morning wondering if you are gonna eat tachyons, gauss, or flares for breakfast

-invisiblish one
Dec 14, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
233) You wonder if you should eat avalons for breakfast.
Dec 14, 2003 spectre_c_me link
234) you remember when s7 was a good place to place a nook and kill syn[noob] with thousands of itani buses known as turrets

-invisiblish one
Dec 14, 2003 crazydeb8r link
235) You once had 1000 avalons in storage and used them all before the reset.
Dec 14, 2003 hydrocarbon link

"91) You suggested the name of The Guantlet."

"Yes, all of what I have contributed in this post, not the entire list, apply to me except #91, and maybe #100. For #91, Someone suggested naming that out of no where so I just named it that."

/me steps forth as the one and only person to whom #91 is applicable to.

and 236) [crazydeb8r needs to fix his so its 345] You have cargo bombed.
237) Waylon is your God.

Apologies if these are repeats, I didn't read the whole list.
Dec 14, 2003 Daon Rendiv link
235) You find patterns in a persons login names and make it into a joke

Isn't that right difficult to see one?
Dec 14, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
239) Your brain has turned to mush so you can't use proper numbers in the correct place.
Dec 14, 2003 Usafunrunner link
"239) Your brain has turned to mush so you can't use proper numbers in the correct place."

239b) You forget how to spell and hit tab instead of typing L-i-n
Dec 14, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
240) You copy and pasted this whole thing (thus far) into a word document so you can keep it forever.

In responce to #111...I had 89 M before reset...I was giving signing bonuese out to SDF recruits

241) You leave your typos because you reliaze that you cover too many boards to always go back and edit them

242) You know what I was talking about in 241
Dec 14, 2003 LordViking link
Num###)You have the same name for your account as you do for your main character, and refuse to use any other character.
Num###+1)You demand that your friends and family call you by your character's name (may be already said, this list's just too long.)
Dec 15, 2003 StarFreeze link
243) You have been playing Vendetta for over a year and love it just as much as you did the very first day you played.
Dec 15, 2003 DR link
244) you sit in one place watching a roid spin around for lack of nothing else to do
245) you fly up close to the spinning roid to see if you can get it to hit you
246) your parents start limiting the time you can spend on the computer
247) your dad starts tip-toing around in an attempt to catch you playing vendetta instead of doing homework
248) you would rather be inside playing vendetta then outside playing in the snow (whats wrong with you!)
249) you get into deep theological questions in the main chat like: christianity vs atheism - "the hole with no bottom"
250) you came up with 6 other reasons simply to steal #250 from roguelazer
Dec 15, 2003 spectre_c_me link
251) you notice that this post is just long enough to make the flattened cat picture you just got in your e-mail look small...
251a) ...full screen
252) you wonder if characters are stalking you...
252a) ...*cough*Daon Rendiv*cough*
252b) are bored enough to play vendetta instead of eating your favorite food...
253) you take 30-50 minutes wondering if you should drink Mello Yello or play Vendetta
253a) you realize you can do both...
253b) you do both and get mad when you die with a 4k bounty


yes it is correct Daon

254) you laugh out loud when someone mentions your 3 chars that seem the same, and wonder if anyone will ask about the other 3

255) you wonder if the person who created this thread is ever going to reply to it again
Dec 15, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
252) You have ambient7 on your iPod.
Dec 15, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
253) You make up an interpretive dance simulating a frigate in movement
253a) You preformed said dance in public
253b) ...people liked it
254) You review every posty in this thread before making your own
254) you do this while preforming interpretive dance above...
255) Vandeeta tawt yu howe tu speel
256) You can fly with both eyes closed while typing
Dec 15, 2003 Phaserlight link
lol@ 59, 89, 150, 182 and 233! Good times, good times. Keep 'em coming!

254) You think the Valk is sexy.
254b) But the Vult is more your type.
255) You worry about your Kill/death ratio more than your GPA
256) You count eight straight hours of Vendetta as "a good night's sleep"
257) You play Vendetta at the library because they have better graphix cards.
257b) People at the library know you as "The Vendetta Kid"
Dec 15, 2003 spectre_c_me link
258) you succeed at making the thread creator return to his thread...
258a) you wonder how much of this thread he actually read
259) you refer to your life as stats
259a) ... your k/d ration = the last time you went to school
260) you wake up and find that the vendetta ice has reopened its site from damages and you find yourself dancing around and wondering if you are mentall stable at this particular moment

-invisiblish one
Dec 15, 2003 spectre_c_me link
261) you refer to another player about flag capping and when using the word capping many people look at you like you are from a pr0n movie

-invisiblish one